Staff arrivals and departures

13th December, 2013

Staff coming and going – Always at the end of the year we say farewell to many of our staff. Some are planning to return for another season in 2014 and others have gone to pursue further ventures.
Stuart has taken over the Catering Manager’s position from Simon in November. Stuart comes with a wealth of cooking knowledge and skill and we have already tasted some wonderful creations. We also said a fond farewell to Jess and Ciaran who leave MoB together and wish them the very best of luck for the future.
Laura (Summer instructor) has changed job roles to Tricia’s “little helper” three days a week whilst studying for an MA at Bristol. Thank you also to Claire (summer GL) for taking up her broom and cloth to help Patricia in the house keeping duties for the past four months. Lastly we’ll miss Patricia who has moved up north to Derby to live with her boyfriend, Ben, who also worked for MoB in 2012. Good luck to all those leaving us and thank you for your hard work.