Award won by Mill on the Brue for Environmental Awareness
and Action Award
The Outdoor Learning Awards were presented to Outdoor Learning professionals and organisations in recognition of their outstanding work, in encouraging excellence.

Photo of Tricia Rawlingson Plant (Director of Mill on the Brue), Denea Wright (Managing Director of the Allnat Centres) and Kate Cravero (Sales and Marketing at Mill on the Brue)
We were presented with the Environmental awareness and action award at the IOL award dinner in Birmingham for our action in tackling food waste…. we resisted weighing the food waste at the dinner! Denea Wright MD from the Alnatt Centres in presenting the award was very complimentary and described Mill on the Brue as visionary in the way we tackle environmental issues. Food waste was our most pressing problem in 2015 and we developed a system of challenging the children and young people to think about how much they put on their plates, to try it even if it was unusual and if the school or group have no food waste throughout their residential stay they become zero heroes and each receive a prize and a certificate for their school. Food waste is collected and weighed at the end of each meal, written up and recorded and any is put through our recently purchased food composter.
This project has made a huge impact and we have reduced the total waste from 2570 kg in 2015 to zero in 2019 with 42 schools achieving zero in 2018.

The Mill on the Brue team